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Carpet Cleaning Tulsa | Ep 62a Complete Carpet Podcast

Ep 62a Complete Carpet Podcast | Carpet Cleaning Tulsa

This is episode 62 continuing with getting wrinkles out of carpet. We are complete carpet carpet cleaning Tulsa surrounding communities as 1998. We love to have you check out our website at, and you can learn more about us and what we can do for you. You can also connect to this on Facebook at carpet Cleaning Tulsa since 1998 has allowed us to expand our offering to tile cleaning carpet repair, re-stretch and upholstery cleaning. It was a call today to schedule your next service at 918-494-7093. I were continuing our series of This Time. Episode 62 about last series was on what to do to get wrinkles out of carpet were going to continue with that particular topic, because I mainly just talked about what causes wrinkles and this time. I want to talk about what you can do to get rid of wrinkles recovered. How sometimes the carpet is just not installed properly or is not acclimatized, so the installer may have done a good job of the car. It was too stiff and cold and wet relaxed and warmed up. It then became larger. The space that was in any wrinkle is just a result of the carpet at relaxing a growing bigger than the space that is confined by the walls that hit the walls, and it will then create a hump in the middle. Carpet cleaning Tulsa for years You don’t ever see a typically don’t see. Wrinkles in a an area. Rug will grow just the same way that any other type of carpet does, but it doesn’t typically grow and in a way that leaves wrinkles, because there’s nothing can find it now. The exceptions. This is if the area rugs pushed up against the couch or a piano or Ben, or something that sitting on it. Then you’ll notice that that area, where it’s near typically get the big Franklin it, because the carpet can’t move in that direction and that’s what happens with carpet in your house across the flooring is that it can’t move in a certain direction to will go the other Direction, it hits wall its attacks that hits a large piece of furniture, a piano, a bed and that particular spot is held in place, and so the carpet can’t go in that direction so has to go somewhere else. Also, why? Sometimes you move your piece of the furniture near see a big hump behind it or next to it a good way to tell if your carpet needs to be stretched or if there is wrinkles in it, is to grab two spots.

The carpet with your hands pull up, so it kind of crazy little bit of a tent and then let it go if it takes more than 2 to 3 seconds to pop back down and go flat again in the carpet starting to get loose. If it takes 4 to 5 seconds, then it’s relaxed – it’s gotten this too much, but there and it’s kind of crazy enough Loi sheet like relaxation to it and that’s too much carpet for the area eventually going to get wrinkled or you may already have a wrinkle Eye we talked about how the flooring types can affect how a carpet, how long it will last so different types of the wood floors versus concrete floors. Wood floors have more Flex to them. They move kind of like a trampoline. Where is the concrete floors? Are pretty solid? They don’t move anywhere in a commercial application. Actually just blew the carpet straight to the floor. That way, the carpet can’t move at all and they get the maximum life out of the carpet so that a lot of people can walk across it. For many years and the carpet not wrinkled, where is in your own house, only a few people walk across it for a couple of years and it in the brink like this is because the carpet has the ability to move. While it’s in your house, where is in a commercial aspect, it’s actually a good straight to the floor, so I can’t move it all carpet Cleaning Tulsa since 1998 has given us a lot of time and experience to be able to go over all these different aspects of carpet stretching and see us best practice things that will work and not work for different situations that everyone runs into. I hear in the Tulsa area, typically around five to seven years, that you’re in the Tulsa Oklahoma area, you we will have a carpet through laxative, is where I’ll see people needing to get to re-stretch that the installation was done properly and they put 1 inch of Stretch on it so that over that first 5 years, any growth or any relaxation of the carpet has it going to be pulled up by the rubber band effect of the installation pulled a little too tight and over the time. That carpet guy relax a little bit. But it’s got one inch to go and it will absorb the one-inch. Typically, you don’t get more than about an inch, maybe two in to get past. The in the carpet really have to be a big room or the carpet has to be damaged in some way to get more than 2 inches of stretch out, but one in create a really big hump enough that you’re going to notice it you’re going to see It and potentially just trip over it. That’S one of the main reasons that people will stretch the carpet out is that it gets to the point where it’s more of a trip Hazard or an i it’s starting to detract from the look of a carpet.

We are complete carpet carpet cleaning Tulsa since 1998 we love for you to visit our website at or get connected with us directly at 918-494-7093. Carpet cleaning Tulsa since 1998 we are complete carpet. Carpet diem, seize the clean carpet today.